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Search Tips

Part Number Search
The standard search system for is the Part Number Search, located on the upper right side of the website store. Enter the Part Number you are looking for into the search field and click "the magnifying glass icon" to search the entire inventory. You can use partial Part Numbers like BKB. This will show all the items that start with BKB. Or, you can try Key Words like LPE, which will show all items that have LPE in their description.

Menu Buttons
The central navigation system for the website is the Menu Buttons, located in the left column. Each Menu Button brings up a page with useful information. The Menu Buttons are universal, meaning this menu will always be selectable no matter where you are in the main website.

NLT Online has an online store that offers the ability to view and search our entire inventory and some featured store items.  The store Menu Buttons are intuitive, and utilize dynamic mouse-over navigation to smoothly transition between categories and sub categories. Sliding your cursor over a Menu Button will reveal all of the product sub categories within that category. Then just click on a category or sub category to view the featured items. The Menu Buttons are universal, meaning this menu will always be selectable no matter where you are in the site. This store is also searchable by Part Number or Key Word. The items in this store are easily ordered.

Site Map
The Site Map is a hierarchical listing of all the principal pages on the NLT online store. This exhaustive index is broken down into sections that reflect the framework of the store. Within each segment of the Site Map are active text links that enable you to instantly visit any area of NLT Online store with a click of the mouse.
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